10 ways to feel better about your body after the holidays.
11.3 miles with Emilee on Saturday! A new distance record post-injury. I really wanted to jump in the shower afterward because I was so cold but I didn’t… I did strength and I’m still clapping for myself because my old self would have never.
I am positive Beck is going to have his pull-up before I do.
Soccer has started up again so they went to that once I got home:
My mom gave us a gift card to Cheesecake Factory and so Andrew and I went for Linner. Chicken Madiera is my favorite order here.
A Saturday evening golden hour with Brooke?! Don’t mind if I do.
Andrew gave the boys matching haircuts:)
This was a must on Sunday.
And then we had people over for nachos for dinner… One pan sweet potato nachos, and one pan with normal chips.
A normal Sunday night for us.
And then we finished up with Pizookies.
I don’t know the percentages, but right about now, I’m guessing that a lot of people aren’t feeling great about their bodies. Holiday weight gain is normal. There are things you can do to help you feel so much better about your body that don’t include restriction or punishing yourself with exercise. Let’s chat about them:
*Let it naturally flow. I swear the less we think about it all, the more our body just naturally gets back to it’s set point. Especially as women, our bodies are constantly changing. Each month we have massive hormone fluctuations that cause our bodies to change. The less I try to control it and naturally flow with it, the better. Trust your body.
*Buy bigger jeans. We don’t try to squish our feet into too small of shoes, so why in the world would we do that with our clothing?
*Focus on what you can do to give your cells the joy they need… I highly recommend a green smoothie every day. It helps me to feel so good knowing I’m giving my body some amazing nutrition each day and I’d rather focus on giving my body things than taking away things.
*If you feel bad about your body, go outside. Going outside is my answer to every problem on the planet.
*Make a list of the amazing things your body can DO. Or the things it creates. I’m not looking to be the painting anymore, I want to be the paintbrush that creates incredible things. I don’t want to be just looked at (although Andrew… don’t use this against me with my clothes and shoes budget; that is different;), I want to create and DO as much as I can with mine.
*I remind myself that thinking about myself all of the time is just as dangerous as being too cocky… It’s still thinking about myself too much, and I need to look OUTWARD (think about looking out the window vs in a mirror).
*Hug someone. It’s amazing how something so simple can change our perspectives and that oxytocin release is a good one…
*I love the phrase (I think Megan D) taught this to me, “The way our bodies look is the least interesting thing about us.”
*If a scale makes you feel bad, throw it in the dumpster today for me. I’ve been scale-free since 2011, and it has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. If it doesn’t affect you, keep using it; if it does, get rid of it!
*Remind yourself that we may not have control of our first thoughts, but we do of our second. You might just start thinking negative things about your body, but you then get the choice to dwell on them or create new thoughts that have nothing to do with your body. Redirect those thoughts like you would for a loved one if they said the same things about themselves.
Tell me what you do if you aren’t feeling great about your body. Let’s all help each other!
Any weekend highlights?
Any movies you think should be watched during childhood?
-A Sound of Music
Ever make any sheet pan dinners?
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